AGR members are a vital part of the AGR's programming and vision for our organization. Membership fees go directly towards maintaining our free-to-the-public programming (including every exhibition, artist talk, and the majority of our programming), and help us to support artists across the Prairies as they create and present innovative artworks that contribute to the development of a unique visual culture for the province of Saskatchewan!
Individual Memberships
AGR members are a vital part of the AGR's programming and vision for our organization. Membership fees go directly towards maintaining our free-to-the-public programming (including every exhibition, artist talk, and the majority of our programming), and help us to support artists across the Prairies as they create and present innovative artworks that contribute to the development of a unique visual culture for the province of Saskatchewan!

Your annual AGR membership means that you will receive:
* Members' exhibition opportunities (such as our Members' Show & Sale--in our main space every Spring--and our Outside the Box exhibition program)
* Sales opportunities
* Newsletter & eNewsletters
* Voting rights at General Meetings
* Workshop and event discounts
* Connecting with and supporting your local arts community
* Discounts at Black Dog Art Supply and Sally's Frame Shop (please show your membership card prior to your purchase)
We thank you for considering a membership as a vital part of supporting and maintaining these beloved programs!
We have four tiers of individual membership available:
$20+ : Student Member* If you are a student and you have never been a member of the AGR, you are eligible for a free membership for your first year. Please send a request, with your student ID to
$40+ : Supporting Member
$55+ : Sustaining Member
$100+: Patron
A charitable donation receipt is issued for membership amounts $55 and over; use this receipt to claim the donation tax credit on your tax return.
If you are experiencing financial hardship and the membership fee is a barrier to participation, please contact us ( for sliding scale options.
We also offer Guild/Collective memberships:
$100+: Guild/Collective membership* Please see the information below or reach out to us at for the full list of benefits.
Purchase or renew your membership below, or
call 306-522-5940
send a cheque payable or credit card info to the Art Gallery of Regina to Art Gallery of Regina, Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre, PO Box 1790, Regina, SK S4P 3C8
Guild Membership
Our new Guild Membership has replaced the "Guild Sponsorship" program. When a guild membership expires, you will be prompted by email to renew.

Your annual AGR Guild/Collective membership entitles your organization to these benefits:
* A 100 word listing on the "Local Guild Information" page on our website. This can include information about the guild, member news, how to join, and where to find more information.
*A 50 word listing in our monthly and quarterly newsletters.
*One free 1/3 page advertisement in the quarterly newsletter per year
* Use of space for meetings outside gallery public hours; (as long as the Neil Balkwill Centre is open)
*One guaranteed Outside the Box exhibition per year, which can include one or all of the following spaces: Display Case, Hallway Gallery, Neil Balkwill Hallways (depending on when the membership begins, all spaces may not be available until the next calendar year)
*Free design and promotion of your OTB exhibition on our website, social media accounts, and online
Price includes the recently added PST for gallery admissions and memberships
This membership is for your guild as an organizational entity and is not a replacement for individual memberships. If your members wish to be AGR members, they must purchase individual memberships. Guild memberships do not include individual membership benefits such as voting at the AGM, or participation in Members' Shows and Outside the Box programming, discounts at various stores in Regina, or discounts at workshops. In order to participate in an Outside the Box exhibitions, members must also have a valid individual membership.
*Guilds can place additional advertisements in AGR newsletters for additional fees. (Please contact us for more information).