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Art Gallery of Regina's 2023-24 Annual General Meeting (AGM)



LOCATION 2420 Elphinstone Street (Weaving Room)

or Zoom online video conference (link: Meeting passcode: AGR)


  • Meeting call to order 

  • Establish quorum (18) 

  • Approval of Agenda
    MOTION: If there are no (further) corrections to the Agenda, we will now move to approve the Agenda for the Art Gallery of Regina's 2023/24 Annual General Meeting.

  • Approval of minutes of previous AGM 

    MOTION: If there are no (further) corrections, we will now move to approve the minutes of the last meeting on September 13, 2023.

  • Directors' reports 

    • Board President’s Report 

  • Presentation of Annual Financial statements

    • Auditor’s report

      MOTION: To accept the auditor’s report as prepared for the Art Gallery of Regina’s 2023/24 fiscal year by Asel Omurzakova of Priority Accounting Services CPA.

  • Appointment of the Auditor 
    MOTION:  To appoint Asel Omurzakova of Priority Accounting Services CPA Prof. Corp. to conduct our 2024/25 Review Engagement. 

  • Staff Reports

    • Director/Curator’s Report 

    • Partnership Manager’s Report 

  • Election of new Directors
    (a slate of nominees will be presented at the meeting; nominations from the floor are accepted.)

  1. Joviel Buenavente (serving board member standing for another term)

  2. Danielle Dumelie (serving board member standing for another term)

  3. Maggie Dixon (serving board member standing for another term)

  4. Janell Ranae Rempell

  5. Raegan Maier

  6. nominations from the floor

  • Special resolutions requiring approval by the membership

    • MOTION: In thanks for his continued support, make Don Hall an honorary lifetime member with the understanding that this is a non-voting membership.

  • Other business/questions or comments from the floor 

  • Meeting adjournment 

All Gallery members are urged to attend and ensure their membership fees are up-to-date, as a quorum is necessary to conduct the business of the organization. Members in good standing may attend in-person or over Zoom. 

For those interested in joining the AGR's Board of Directors, please contact the gallery at to learn more about nominations and board members' commitments.  


Please RSVP via email to assist us in monitoring quorum.  All members will be emailed information prior to the Annual General Meeting.

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