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The Art Gallery of Regina (AGR) has a long history of working with and supporting local art guilds and artists. The AGR presents a series of open access exhibitions entitled Outside the Box (hallway gallery and glass display case). These non-curated shows complement main gallery programming by providing additional opportunities for members and local artists to show and sell their work.


Contact the AGR office at 306-522-5940 or to purchase artworks. Artworks can also be purchased through the AGR's website:


For information on how to apply for an Outside the Box exhibition, please see our submissions page.

Current Outside The Box Exhibitions

OTB Hallway Gallery

Hallway Gallery & Display Case

Regina Art Collective

Collective Currents

February 1 - 27, 2025

The Regina Art Collective is a dynamic group of nine talented artists showcasing their work, most notably at the Lobby Gallery in Regina. With a rich variety of styles and media, the group celebrates the diverse voices and creative approaches of its members. Each artist offers a unique perspective, reflecting the vibrant individuality and shared passion for artistic expression that define the collective.

Established in 2015, RAC is a collaborative group of artists that have come together to promote their work outside of the commercial gallery model. Coming out of the structure of much larger guilds, RAC believes that a smaller group of practicing artists contributes to each artist’s personal growth and professional development, in addition to supporting the exposure of their talents and artistic endeavours.

​Contact: or visit:

RAC February insta.png

View and purchase in-person at the Art Gallery of Regina (2420 Elphinstone Street) or online.

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The Art Gallery of Regina permits the copying, downloading, or other use of any protected materials only for the purposes of fair use or, in the case of commercial use, with the express, written permission of The Art Gallery of Regina.

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