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Mahdi Mahdian - Introduction to Figure Painting
DATES June 22 and 23, 2024
TIMES 10 AM - 5 PM Daily 1 -2 PM lunch break
PLACE Art Gallery of Regina, 2420 Elphinstone Street
COST AGR Members $275
     Non-members $295
SPACES ARE LIMITED! Purchase Tickets Below

This introductory workshop will lead students through the process of creating a figure painting from a live model. The workshop will begin with drawing from the model, then progress to developing a finished painting beginning with an underpainting, to individualized critique and instruction on style and technique.

Madhi Madhian is an Iranian born artist living and studying in Regina. He obtained his painting degree from the University of Tehran in 2013, and completed the Classical Academy for the Masters’ Painting and Drawing program at the Kharkiv State Academy of Art and Design in 2016. Mahdi is a classically trained painter, with particular expertise in anatomy and the figure.
We are excited to offer our members this rare opportunity to learn from such an accomplished internationally trained painter!

A supply list will be emailed to all participants upon registration. If you would like a list in advance, please email

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